The Foundation for the Nations Trust serves the worldwide work of Youth For Christ International. It is governed by its own Board of Directors, registered with His Majesty’s Revenue & Customs UK and by the Charity Commissioners for Northern Ireland and is run from offices in Northern Ireland.

Wealth into Worth for the World

Foundation for the Nations aims to draw together YFC projects from around the world with those who have the capacity to help them. Our motto is Wealth into Worth for the World and our desire is to help those who are cash rich but time poor to make good decisions about where to invest their hard earned money.

YFC’s History

The History of YFC International

Founded in 1944 with Dr Billy Graham as the first full-time YFC employee, and now headquartered in Denver, Colorado, by the grace of God Youth For Christ has grown. In 2021, according to their most recent Annual Report, around 977,500 young people were impacted directly by their programmes in more than 100 countries. An incredible 5,323,000 were impacted by YFC media ministries. Almost 101,000 responded to the call to follow Jesus Christ, and just over 43,000 were in followup and discipleship groups.
YFC believes in making an impression on the clay while it is soft. Multiple studies have shown that the great majority of people who ever come to Christ do so before they leave their teenage years. See here and here and here for examples or use the links below.

Christians have the greatest message ever given to the world. We may assume that the world knows what that is. Truth is, the message has not, by and large, been heard and rejected. In much of the world it has literally never been heard at all.
YFC has some of the most brilliant and creative youth workers in the world (fact!) but their visions and dreams are often stifled at birth simply through lack of funding. In the west it is hard to imagine the difficulty of raising finances in majority Muslim, Orthodox, Buddhist, Hindu or secular nations for evangelistic work, but the truth is that without outside support, many great ideas for reaching young people will simply wither on the vine.

YFC believes that because they work mostly with indigenous staff, they make an extremely efficient use of finances. They are not primarily a cross cultural missionary organisation, but work through local believers in each country. Therefore, their people already speak the language and know the culture of their nation, they know how to live at the same level as the native population, they do not have issues with the education of their children, and they cannot be thrown out of their own country.

FFTN seeks the involvement of Ministry Partners to support these brave folks in their work; three kinds, all equally important.