When you are satisfied with your application, EMAIL it to YOUR REGIONAL OR AREA DIRECTOR BY 30th NOVEMBER

[If more than one application, send in separate emails]

Your Regional/Area Director will review your application. If they approve it they will complete the Approvals section and send the Application Form to FFTN. YOU must pay the Application fees which must arrive with FFTN by 5.00pm UK time on Thursday 11th January 2024. 

Late applications will NOT be considered. FFTN will send you a confirmation email when we receive both your application and the fee. We will not start to process the application until both are in.

Note: It is acceptable to add an amount for the administration of the project, provided the amount is clearly shown.  Do not pad out the costs.  Our partners are smart!  If they discover that your costs have been overstated, your application will most likely end at that point.