This year shows a slight increase in the number of applications – up from 110 last year to 120 this time around. These are currently out in summary form to the funding partners. They are now in the grading process, where they prayerfully read and consider every project. This is a daunting and difficult task. Some […]
Author: Report
TV Broadcasting Equipment. The main aim of this project was to establish a new Christian TV channel called LIFE.TV to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Slovakia & Czech Republic. With financial assistance from Foundation for the Nations YFC Slovakia was able to purchase equipment to start broadcasting. 24 hour broadcasting started in October […]
Equipment for Visits to Youth Institutions. This grant was to provide YFC in Moscow equipment, presents and transport cost for visits to orphans and children at risk in institutions. With financial assistance from FFTN, YFC–Moscow was able to purchase PA equipment,Props, Sports equipment, Prizes for children, Materials for crafts Stationery.They were able to visit about […]
Camps in Sicily. The main aim of this project was to help kids in need to participate in YFC Easter and Summer camps in Sicily, giving them an opportunity to listen and live a gospel–centred super fun camp. Finances are a continual struggle in Sicily, and the funds provided by FFTN helped 84 young people […]
Support for YFC staff. With financial assistance from FFTN, YFC Hungary was able to pay the salaries and taxes on a monthly basis. This support made a significant change in the life of YFC Hungary ministry as the staff didn’t need to worry if they would get their salary every month. Previously several times the […]
Empowering young people to grow in leadership. The YFC Uganda LEAD project is aimed at empowering young people especially those in leadership positions to grow in leadership, spiritual growth and godly character. This project is needed to train godly leaders in Uganda who will be able to positively influence others and their communities. They […]
Working with Syrian Refugees. YFC Lebanon is working with the church to see every young Syrian refugee in Lebanon have the opportunity to know Jesus. Through outreach and follow–up ministries With financial assistance from FFTN, YFC Lebanon was able to: At least 100 Syrian youth workers living and serving in Syria were trained and equipped […]